AWS CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) is a set of practices and tools that automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software changes to production. AWS offers a variety of services that can be used to implement CI/CD pipelines, including AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodeDeploy. Here’s an overview of how the AWS CI/CD method works:

Source control management: Developers store their code in a source control repository like AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, or Bitbucket.

Continuous Integration: When code changes are committed to the repository, AWS CodePipeline automatically triggers the build and test process using AWS CodeBuild. CodeBuild compiles the code, runs unit tests, and generates artifacts that are ready for deployment.

Continuous Delivery: Once the build and test process is successful, AWS CodePipeline deploys the code changes to a staging environment using AWS CodeDeploy. CodeDeploy can deploy the code to EC2 instances, Lambda functions, or even on-premises servers. The staging environment allows developers to test the changes in a production-like environment before promoting them to production.

Approval process: AWS CodePipeline allows for a manual approval step before deploying to production, giving stakeholders the opportunity to review the changes and approve or reject them.

Production deployment: If the changes are approved, AWS CodePipeline deploys the changes to the production environment using AWS CodeDeploy. This process can be fully automated, allowing changes to be deployed to production with no manual intervention.

Here are some examples of how AWS CI/CD can be used:

Deploying web applications: AWS CI/CD can be used to deploy web applications developed using popular frameworks like Node.js, Ruby on Rails, or Java Spring. The pipeline can include steps to build the application, run unit tests, and deploy the changes to a staging or production environment.

Updating serverless applications: AWS CI/CD can be used to deploy changes to serverless applications developed using AWS Lambda. The pipeline can include steps to build the Lambda function code, run automated tests, and deploy the changes using AWS CodeDeploy.

Managing infrastructure changes: AWS CI/CD can be used to manage changes to infrastructure as code developed using tools like AWS CloudFormation or Terraform. The pipeline can include steps to validate the changes, deploy them to a staging environment, and promote them to production.

Automating mobile app releases: AWS CI/CD can be used to automate the process of building and deploying updates to mobile applications. The pipeline can include steps to build the app, run automated tests, and deploy the changes to the App Store or Google Play.

AWS CI/CD provides a scalable and reliable way to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software changes, enabling developers to release new features and bug fixes faster and with less risk.

Author: tonyhughes