How do I configure Azure Key Vault RBAC?

To configure Azure Key Vault RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) for a web app, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Azure Key Vault: In the Azure portal, navigate to the Key Vaults section and click the “+ Add” button to create a new Azure Key Vault. Specify the name, subscription, resource group, location, and other required settings.
  2. Create an Azure AD App Registration: To enable your web app to access the Azure Key Vault, you need to create an Azure AD App Registration. In the Azure portal, navigate to the App Registrations section and click the “+ New registration” button. Specify a name and other required settings, and then click “Register”.
  3. Grant the app access to the Azure Key Vault: In the Azure portal, navigate to the Access policies section of the Azure Key Vault that you want to grant access to. Click the “+ Add Access Policy” button and specify the settings as follows:
    • Permissions: Choose the permissions that you want to grant the app, such as “Get”, “List”, “Set”, “Delete”, or “Manage”.
    • Principal: Select the Azure AD App Registration that you created earlier.
    • Select the “Secret permissions” check box if you want to grant the app access to secrets stored in the Azure Key Vault.
    • Select the “Certificate permissions” check box if you want to grant the app access to certificates stored in the Azure Key Vault.
    • Click “Add” to save the policy settings.
  4. Add the app credentials to the web app: In the Azure portal, navigate to the App Registrations section and select the app that you created earlier. Click on “Certificates & secrets” and then click on “+ New client secret” to create a new secret. Copy the secret value to the clipboard and save it in a secure location. In your web app code, you can use this secret to authenticate and authorize access to the Azure Key Vault.
  5. Use the Azure Key Vault in your web app code: In your web app code, you can use the Azure Key Vault REST API, Azure Key Vault SDK, or Azure Key Vault Managed Identity to access and manage secrets and certificates stored in the Azure Key Vault. Here’s an example of how to use the Azure Key Vault SDK to retrieve a secret value from the Azure Key Vault:
  1. using Azure.Identity; using Azure.Security.KeyVault.Secrets; string keyVaultName = "<key-vault-name>"; string secretName = "<secret-name>"; var keyVaultUrl = $"https://{keyVaultName}"; var client = new SecretClient(new Uri(keyVaultUrl), new DefaultAzureCredential()); var secretValue = await client.GetSecretAsync(secretName); Console.WriteLine(secretValue.Value.Value); In this example, the web app uses the Azure Key Vault SDK to create a SecretClient object that is authenticated using the DefaultAzureCredential. This enables the app to access the Azure Key Vault using its managed identity, which was granted access through the Azure Key Vault RBAC policy. The app then retrieves the secret value using the GetSecretAsync method and prints it to the console.

By configuring Azure Key Vault RBAC, you can ensure that only authorized applications and users are able to access and manage sensitive information stored in Azure Key Vault, which helps protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.

Author: tonyhughes