How do I create Azure ASGs with the Azure Portal, Powershell, azurecli, Cloudshell?

Sure, here are examples of how to create Azure Application Security Groups (ASGs) using different methods:

Using Azure Portal:

  1. Navigate to the Azure Portal and log in to your account.
  2. Open the desired resource group in which you want to create the ASG.
  3. Click on “Application security groups” in the left-hand menu.
  4. Click on the “+ Add” button.
  5. Enter a name and description for the ASG.
  6. Choose the region in which you want to create the ASG.
  7. Click on “Create”.

Using PowerShell:

  1. Open PowerShell on your local machine or in the Azure Cloud Shell.
  2. Login to your Azure account using the following command:Connect-AzAccount
  3. Select the subscription that you want to work with:Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName <subscription name>
  4. Create a new ASG using the following command:New-AzApplicationSecurityGroup -Name <ASG name> -ResourceGroupName <resource group name> -Location <location>
  5. Verify that the ASG was created successfully using the following command:Get-AzApplicationSecurityGroup -Name <ASG name> -ResourceGroupName <resource group name>

Using Azure CLI:

  1. Open the Azure CLI on your local machine or in the Azure Cloud Shell.
  2. Login to your Azure account using the following command:az login
  3. Select the subscription that you want to work with:az account set --subscription <subscription id>
  4. Create a new ASG using the following command:az network asg create --name <ASG name> --resource-group <resource group name> --location <location>
  5. Verify that the ASG was created successfully using the following command:az network asg show --name <ASG name> --resource-group <resource group name>

Using Azure Cloud Shell:

  1. Open the Azure Cloud Shell in the Azure Portal.
  2. Create a new ASG using the following command:az network asg create --name <ASG name> --resource-group <resource group name> --location <location>
  3. Verify that the ASG was created successfully using the following command:az network asg show --name <ASG name> --resource-group <resource group name>

Note: In all the above examples, replace <ASG name>, <resource group name>, <location>, and <subscription name> with the desired values for your environment.

Author: tonyhughes