Hyper-V Router Guard

Hyper-V Router Guard is a feature in Windows Server that helps protect against rogue router advertisements in a Hyper-V environment. It uses Router Guard to ensure that only authorized routers can provide routing information to virtual machines (VMs) running on the Hyper-V host.

Features and functions of Hyper-V Router Guard include:

  1. Protection against rogue router advertisements: By ensuring that only authorized routers can provide routing information to VMs, Router Guard helps prevent unauthorized or malicious routers from providing incorrect or harmful network configuration to VMs.
  2. Support for multiple routers: Router Guard can be configured to allow multiple authorized routers to provide routing information, providing greater flexibility in configuring network traffic.
  3. Automatic configuration: Router Guard can be configured to automatically generate and distribute Router Guard policies to VMs, simplifying the configuration process.

To install and configure Hyper-V Router Guard, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the routers on the network are authorized to provide routing information.
  2. Enable Router Guard on the Hyper-V host using PowerShell or the Hyper-V Manager.
  3. Configure Router Guard policies for the VMs running on the host to allow only authorized routers to provide routing information.

For example, to enable Router Guard on a Hyper-V host using PowerShell, run the following command:

Set-VMNetworkAdapterRoutingDomainMapping -VMName “VM Name” -RoutingDomainMappings @{RoutingDomainName=”Router Guard”;RoutingDomainValue=1}

This command configures the Router Guard policy for the specified VM to allow only routers that have the specified RoutingDomainValue to provide routing information.

Once Router Guard is enabled and configured, the host and VMs should be protected against rogue router advertisements, providing greater security for the virtualized environment.

Note that Router Guard may require specific network infrastructure and configuration to function properly. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s documentation for specific instructions and requirements.

Hyper-V Router Guard can be a valuable feature for protecting against rogue router advertisements in a Hyper-V environment. By taking advantage of this feature, IT professionals can ensure the security and reliability of their virtualization environments and prevent unauthorized access or configuration of their network resources.

Author: tonyhughes