Step by Step: Configuring Microsoft 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies to protect credit card numbers in emails and Teams communications

Configuring Microsoft 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies to protect credit card numbers in emails and Teams communications involves several steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide for setting up such a policy:

Step 1: Access the Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance Center

  1. Log in to your Microsoft 365 admin account.
  2. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, click “Admin centers” in the left-hand navigation pane.
  3. Click “Security & Compliance.”

Step 2: Create a Sensitive Information Type for Credit Card Numbers

  1. In the Security & Compliance Center, go to “Classifications” and select “Sensitive information types.”
  2. Click “Create.”
  3. In the wizard, provide a name and description for your custom sensitive information type (e.g., “Credit Card Numbers”).
  4. In the “Patterns” section, click “Add pattern” to define credit card number patterns. For example, you can add patterns for Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc.
  5. Save your custom sensitive information type.

Step 3: Create a DLP Policy

  1. In the Security & Compliance Center, go to “Threat management” and select “Data loss prevention.”
  2. Click on “Policy.”
  3. Click “Create a policy.”
  4. Choose the location where you want to apply the DLP policy (e.g., Exchange, Teams, SharePoint).
  5. Select “Custom.”
  6. Click “Next.”
  7. In the “Choose conditions” section:
    • Select “Content contains” as the condition.
    • Click “Add condition.”
    • In the condition settings, select the sensitive information type you created in Step 2 (“Credit Card Numbers”).
    • Configure additional conditions as needed (e.g., choose whether the content should match all conditions or any).
  8. Click “Next.”
  9. In the “Do the following” section:
    • Choose the actions to take when credit card numbers are detected. For example, you can:
      • Generate an incident report.
      • Notify the user.
      • Block access to the content.
      • Notify the admin.
    • Configure additional actions as needed.
  10. Click “Next.”
  11. In the “Name your policy” section, give your DLP policy a name (e.g., “Credit Card Protection Policy”).
  12. Click “Create.”

Step 4: Test and Review the Policy

  1. It’s a good practice to test your DLP policy first. You can use the “Policy Tips” feature to notify users when they attempt to send credit card numbers.
  2. After testing, assign the policy to specific users, groups, or locations as needed.

Step 5: Monitor and Review Policy Incidents

  1. Regularly monitor policy incidents in the Security & Compliance Center to ensure that credit card numbers are being properly protected.
  2. Review and investigate any incidents that occur, and take appropriate actions.

Step 6: Educate Users

  1. Inform your organization’s users about the DLP policy and its purpose.
  2. Educate users on best practices for handling sensitive data, including credit card numbers.

By following these steps, you can configure a Microsoft 365 DLP policy to protect credit card numbers in emails and Teams communications, helping to prevent data leaks and maintain compliance with data protection regulations.

Author: tonyhughes