Step by Step Guide: How to import ADMX Templates

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to import ADMX templates:

  1. Download the ADMX templates: ADMX templates can be downloaded from Microsoft’s Download Center or from the website of the software vendor. Save the ADMX files to a location on your computer.
  2. Download the ADML templates: ADML templates are language-specific files that provide the language-specific descriptions for the policy settings defined in the ADMX templates. Download the appropriate ADML files for the languages you need and save them to a location on your computer.
  3. Open the Group Policy Management Console: Click on the Start button and type “Group Policy Management Console” in the search box. Click on the Group Policy Management Console when it appears in the search results.
  4. Create a new GPO or select an existing one: Expand the Group Policy Objects folder and select the GPO where you want to import the ADMX templates. If you want to create a new GPO, right-click on the Group Policy Objects folder and select New.
  5. Edit the GPO: Right-click on the GPO and select Edit.
  6. Import the ADMX templates: In the Group Policy Management Editor, right-click on the Administrative Templates node and select Add/Remove Templates.
  7. Add the ADMX templates: Click on the Add button and browse to the location where you saved the ADMX templates. Select the ADMX files you want to import and click Open.
  8. Add the ADML templates: After importing the ADMX templates, click on the Add button again and browse to the location where you saved the ADML templates. Select the appropriate language-specific files and click Open.
  9. Verify the templates were added: Once the templates are added, you should see them listed under the Administrative Templates node.
  10. Close the Group Policy Management Editor: After verifying the templates were added, close the Group Policy Management Editor.
  11. Link the GPO: If you created a new GPO, you will need to link it to the appropriate OU. Right-click on the OU where you want to link the GPO and select Link an Existing GPO. Select the GPO you just created and click OK.

That’s it! The ADMX templates are now imported into the GPO and can be used to manage policy settings.

Author: tonyhughes