Step by Step Guide: How to install Windows Server Hyper-V

Step-by-step guide on how to install Windows Server Hyper-V with both the GUI and PowerShell:

Installing Hyper-V with the GUI:

  1. Log in to your Windows Server machine and open the Server Manager.
  2. Click on the “Add Roles and Features” option in the dashboard.
  3. In the “Add Roles and Features Wizard” window, click “Next” until you get to the “Server Selection” page.
  4. Make sure the correct server is selected, then click “Next.”
  5. On the “Server Roles” page, select “Hyper-V” and click “Next.”
  6. If prompted to add features that are required for Hyper-V, click “Add Features.”
  7. Review the information in the “Hyper-V” window and click “Next.”
  8. On the “Create Virtual Switches” page, you can choose to create a virtual switch or skip this step. Click “Next.”
  9. On the “Virtual Machine Migration” page, you can configure settings for virtual machine migration. Click “Next.”
  10. On the “Default Stores” page, specify the default location for virtual hard disks and virtual machine configuration files, or keep the default settings. Click “Next.”
  11. Review the settings on the “Confirmation” page and click “Install” to start the installation process.
  12. Once the installation is complete, you will need to restart the server to finish the process. Click “Close” to close the “Add Roles and Features Wizard.”

Installing Hyper-V with PowerShell:

  1. Open PowerShell with administrative privileges.
  2. Run the command: Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools
  3. Wait for the installation to complete.
  4. Once the installation is complete, restart the server to finish the process.
Author: tonyhughes