Step by Step how do I configure Azure File Sync ?

Here are the step-by-step instructions to configure Azure File Sync:

  1. Create an Azure File Sync Storage Sync Service in the Azure portal. This service will act as a central control point for all your sync groups and sync policies. To create a new Storage Sync Service, follow these steps:a. Sign in to the Azure portal.b. Click on “Create a resource” and search for “Azure File Sync”.c. Click on “Azure File Sync” and then click “Create” to create a new Storage Sync Service.d. Fill in the required fields, such as subscription, resource group, and name.e. Choose the location for the Storage Sync Service.f. Click “Review + create” and then click “Create” to create the new Storage Sync Service.
  2. Download and install the Azure File Sync agent on your on-premises servers. This agent enables you to sync files between your on-premises environment and Azure Files. To download and install the Azure File Sync agent, follow these steps:a. Go to the Azure portal and navigate to the Storage Sync Service that you created in step 1.b. Click on “Download agent” and select the appropriate agent version for your on-premises environment.c. Install the agent on your on-premises servers.d. After the agent is installed, you can register your servers with the Storage Sync Service.
  3. Create a sync group in the Storage Sync Service. A sync group defines the sync topology and the sync policies for the files that you want to sync. To create a new sync group, follow these steps:a. In the Storage Sync Service, click on “Sync groups”.b. Click “Add” to create a new sync group.c. Fill in the required fields, such as name and description.d. Choose the cloud endpoint that you want to sync files to.e. Choose the server endpoints that you want to sync files from.f. Specify the sync policies, such as how often files should be synced and how conflicts should be resolved.g. Click “Create” to create the new sync group.
  4. Configure server endpoints for the sync group. A server endpoint defines the location of the files on your on-premises server. To configure server endpoints, follow these steps:a. In the sync group that you created in step 3, click on “Server endpoints”.b. Click “Add” to add a new server endpoint.c. Fill in the required fields, such as name and description.d. Specify the local path for the server endpoint.e. Click “Create” to create the new server endpoint.f. Repeat steps b to e for each server endpoint that you want to add.
  5. Configure cloud endpoints for the sync group. A cloud endpoint defines the location of the files in Azure Files. To configure cloud endpoints, follow these steps:a. In the sync group that you created in step 3, click on “Cloud endpoints”.b. Click “Add” to add a new cloud endpoint.c. Fill in the required fields, such as name and description.d. Specify the Azure Files share that you want to sync files to.e. Click “Create” to create the new cloud endpoint.
  6. Monitor and manage the sync group. After you have set up the sync group and endpoints, you can monitor and manage the sync group in the Azure portal. This includes monitoring the sync status, viewing sync logs, and managing sync policies. To monitor and manage the sync group, follow these steps:a. In the sync group that you created in step 3, click
Author: tonyhughes