What is a Microsft MCT?

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) is a certification program offered by Microsoft for individuals who are qualified to teach Microsoft technologies to other individuals or organizations. MCTs are authorized by Microsoft to deliver training on various Microsoft technologies and products, such as Windows Server, Microsoft Azure, SQL Server, SharePoint, and more.

To become an MCT, candidates must meet certain requirements, including holding a current certification in one or more of Microsoft’s technology areas, having at least one year of instructional experience, and meeting certain performance criteria, such as passing an annual certification exam and delivering a certain number of training sessions per year.

Once certified, MCTs have access to a range of resources and benefits, including access to Microsoft’s official courseware, software licenses, and support, as well as invitations to exclusive events and training opportunities.

prereqs to be an microsoft mct

To become a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), you need to meet the following prerequisites:

Hold a current Microsoft Certification: To become an MCT, you must have a current Microsoft certification. This can be in any Microsoft technology area, such as Windows, Azure, SQL Server, SharePoint, or Dynamics 365.

Have instructional skills or experience: You need to have at least one year of instructional skills or experience, such as teaching, training, coaching, or mentoring. This can be in any technical or non-technical field.

Meet performance requirements: You must meet certain performance requirements, such as passing an annual certification exam and delivering a certain number of training sessions per year.

Apply for the MCT program: You need to apply for the MCT program and pay the annual fee. The fee covers access to the MCT program benefits, such as access to Microsoft's official courseware, software licenses, and support, as well as invitations to exclusive events and training opportunities.

It’s important to note that meeting these prerequisites doesn’t guarantee acceptance into the MCT program. Microsoft reviews each application to ensure that all requirements are met before granting MCT status.

Author: tonyhughes