What is a Microsoft Management Group?

In Microsoft Azure, a Management Group is a logical container that allows you to manage access, policies, and compliance across multiple Azure subscriptions. It provides a hierarchical structure for organizing subscriptions and applying policies and controls at scale.

With Management Groups, you can group subscriptions together and apply governance conditions such as policy, access control, or compliance status. By grouping subscriptions, you can manage and monitor resources in bulk, simplify the process of creating, updating and deleting resources, and help ensure compliance with organizational policies and standards.

You can create a Management Group hierarchy by creating parent and child groups that can be nested up to six levels deep. Each Management Group can have multiple subscriptions, but a subscription can only belong to one Management Group at a time.

Some of the key benefits of using Management Groups in Azure include:

  1. Centralized management and governance: With Management Groups, you can apply policies and controls across multiple subscriptions, ensuring consistency and compliance across your organization.
  2. Simplified resource management: By grouping subscriptions together, you can manage resources in bulk, reducing the effort required to create, update, and delete resources.
  3. Improved visibility and reporting: Management Groups provide a hierarchical view of resources and subscriptions, allowing you to quickly identify issues and monitor compliance status across your organization.
  4. Enhanced security and access control: Management Groups allow you to apply access control policies across subscriptions, ensuring that only authorized users can access and manage resources.

Management Groups provide a scalable and flexible way to manage and govern Azure resources and subscriptions, enabling you to streamline operations, ensure compliance, and reduce risk.

Author: tonyhughes