What is FileVault (MacOS) ?

FileVault is a built-in disk encryption feature in macOS operating system, used to encrypt the contents of the startup disk of a Mac computer. It provides full-disk encryption, meaning that all data on the startup disk is encrypted, including the operating system and user data.

When FileVault is enabled, a user’s login password is used to create an encryption key, which is then used to encrypt the startup disk. The encryption process is done on-the-fly and transparent to the user, meaning that data is encrypted and decrypted in real-time as it is read from and written to the disk.

FileVault uses the XTS-AES encryption algorithm for encrypting data on the disk. It also provides other security features, such as the ability to securely erase the startup disk and the ability to reset the encryption keys in case the user forgets their password.

Overall, FileVault provides a powerful and easy-to-use disk encryption system for Mac users, which helps to ensure the confidentiality of data stored on their computers. It is particularly useful for protecting sensitive data on laptops and other mobile devices that may be at risk of loss or theft.

Author: tonyhughes