What is Microsoft Defender for M365?

Microsoft Defender for M365 is a security platform that provides advanced threat protection and security management capabilities for Microsoft 365 applications and services. It is designed to help organizations protect their Microsoft 365 environments from various types of threats, including malware, phishing attacks, and data breaches.

Microsoft Defender for M365 includes several security features and benefits, including:

  1. Email protection: The platform provides advanced email security capabilities, including anti-phishing and anti-malware protection, to help organizations protect against email-based threats.
  2. Endpoint protection: The platform provides endpoint protection for devices accessing Microsoft 365 applications and services, helping to prevent malware infections and other security incidents.
  3. Identity and access management: The platform provides identity and access management capabilities, including multi-factor authentication and conditional access policies, to help organizations protect against identity-based threats.
  4. Data protection: The platform provides data protection capabilities, including data loss prevention and information rights management, to help organizations protect sensitive data within Microsoft 365 applications and services.
  5. Compliance and governance: Microsoft Defender for M365 helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards by providing detailed compliance reports and logs.

Overall, Microsoft Defender for M365 is a comprehensive security platform that provides advanced threat protection, security management, and compliance capabilities for Microsoft 365 environments. It is designed to work seamlessly with other Microsoft security products and is a key component of Microsoft’s broader security ecosystem.

Author: tonyhughes