Windows Local Users

Windows Local Users are user accounts that are created and managed on an individual Windows computer or device, as opposed to domain users, which are managed by a centralized authentication authority like Active Directory in a Windows domain. Local users are specific to a single computer and do not have the same level of centralized management and security features as domain users.

Here are some key details about Windows Local Users and the concept of the Security Accounts Manager (SAM):

1. Security Accounts Manager (SAM): The Security Accounts Manager (SAM) is a database used by Windows operating systems to store information about local user accounts. It is a critical component for managing user authentication and security on a local computer. The SAM database contains user account information, including usernames, password hashes, and other security-related data.

2. Usage: Local users are typically used in standalone computers, workgroup environments, or on computers that are not part of an Active Directory domain. They are useful when centralized user management is not required or when users need to have separate accounts on different computers. Here’s how local users are used:

  • Login and Authentication: Local users can log in to the specific computer where their account is created. Windows authenticates these users against the SAM database on that computer.
  • File and Folder Access: Local users can access files and folders on the local computer. Permissions to resources are defined locally on the computer and not controlled through a domain.
  • Account Isolation: Each computer has its own set of local users. This means that local users on one computer are not automatically recognized on other computers.

3. Working Examples: Let’s walk through some working examples of creating and managing local users in Windows. We’ll use PowerShell for these examples, but you can also use the graphical interface:

Creating a Local User:


New-LocalUser -Name "JohnDoe" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "Password123" -AsPlainText -Force) -FullName "John Doe" -Description "Local User Account"

In this example, we create a new local user named “JohnDoe” with the password “Password123,” full name “John Doe,” and a description.

Listing Local Users:



This command lists all local users on the current computer.

Modifying a Local User:


Set-LocalUser -Name "JohnDoe" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "NewPassword456" -AsPlainText -Force) -Description "Updated Description"

Here, we modify the password and description for the “JohnDoe” local user.

Deleting a Local User:


Remove-LocalUser -Name "JohnDoe"

This command deletes the “JohnDoe” local user.

Remember that local users are specific to the computer on which they are created. If you have multiple computers, you’ll need to create local users on each one individually. Also, consider the security implications of local users, as they may not have the same level of security controls and auditing as domain users managed by Active Directory.

Author: tonyhughes