
Bluejacking is a form of Bluetooth-based wireless hacking or prank that involves sending unsolicited messages or files to Bluetooth-enabled devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops. It is primarily used for harmless pranks rather than malicious activities. The term “bluejacking” originated from the combination of “Bluetooth” and “hijacking.”

Bluejacking exploits the feature of Bluetooth devices that allows them to receive incoming messages or files from other Bluetooth devices within a certain range, usually around 10 meters. The technique doesn’t involve any unauthorized access to the target device’s data or functions but rather exploits the ability to send messages to nearby devices without pairing or authorization.

To perform bluejacking, an individual typically follows these steps:

  1. Enable Bluetooth: The attacker turns on the Bluetooth feature on their own device and sets it to discoverable mode.
  2. Search for Nearby Devices: The attacker scans for Bluetooth-enabled devices within range using their device’s scanning or discovery feature.
  3. Send Unsolicited Message: Once the attacker identifies a target device, they compose a short text message (typically limited to the device’s character limit) that they want to send. The message can be anything from a harmless greeting or joke to a marketing advertisement.
  4. Send the Message: The attacker selects the target device from their own device’s list of discovered devices and sends the message as a Bluetooth contact or business card. The message is usually transmitted without any visible pairing request or acknowledgment on the target device.
  5. Victim Receives the Message: The target device receives the unsolicited message as a notification or incoming message without any prior interaction or acceptance from the user.

It’s important to note that bluejacking does not involve any unauthorized access to personal data or control over the target device. It is more of an annoyance or prank, as the victim can simply choose to ignore or delete the message.

Mitigation of bluejacking can be done through the following measures:

  1. Disable Discoverable Mode: By disabling the discoverable mode on your Bluetooth-enabled device, you can prevent attackers from identifying your device during scanning.
  2. Turn Off Bluetooth: If you don’t require Bluetooth connectivity, turning off the Bluetooth feature altogether can ensure that no unsolicited messages can be sent to your device.
  3. Reject Unknown Messages: When you receive an unsolicited message from an unknown sender, it is advisable not to open or respond to it. Delete such messages immediately to avoid potential annoyance or unwanted content.
  4. Keep Devices Updated: Regularly update the firmware or operating system of your Bluetooth-enabled devices to ensure that any security vulnerabilities are patched.

Examples of bluejacking include:

  1. Sending a random message saying “Hello” or “You’ve been bluejacked” to a nearby Bluetooth-enabled device in a crowded area like a shopping mall.
  2. Broadcasting a promotional message or coupon code to multiple Bluetooth devices within range in order to advertise a product or service.
  3. Bluejacking a friend by sending them a funny or quirky message without revealing your identity, simply to surprise or confuse them.
Author: tonyhughes