Category: Azure Security Engineer

Cloud Security

 tonyhughes  December 14, 2023

Concept of Cloud Security: Cloud security involves implementing measures to protect data, applications, and infrastructure in cloud environments from unauthorized…

Cloud High Availability

 tonyhughes  December 14, 2023

Concept of Cloud High Availability: Cloud High Availability (HA) refers to the design and implementation of systems and architectures that…

Well-Architected Framework

 tonyhughes  December 14, 2023

The Well-Architected Framework is a set of best practices introduced by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help cloud architects build…

Cloud Shared Responsibility

 tonyhughes  December 14, 2023

The concept of cloud shared responsibility refers to the distribution of security and management responsibilities between a cloud service provider…

Federated Service Token for Authentication

 tonyhughes  October 10, 2023

A federated service token for authentication typically includes various components and claims to provide secure authentication and authorization. The specific…