Category: AZ Network Engineer


 tonyhughes  December 13, 2023

LEDBAT (Low Extra Delay Background Transport) is a network congestion control protocol designed to provide low-priority traffic with the ability…

Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs)

 tonyhughes  May 24, 2023

Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFWs) are advanced network security devices that provide enhanced capabilities beyond traditional firewalls. NGFWs incorporate various security features…


 tonyhughes  May 24, 2023

Geofencing is a cybersecurity technique that involves creating virtual boundaries or perimeters around specific geographic areas. This technique allows organizations…

Wireless WPA Types

 tonyhughes  May 24, 2023

Sure! Let’s start by discussing the functions and features of WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), WPA2, and WPA3. Now, let’s compare…


 tonyhughes  May 12, 2023

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are two of the most commonly used network protocols. While they…


 tonyhughes  May 12, 2023

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a network protocol that operates at the transport layer of the OSI model. It was…


 tonyhughes  May 12, 2023

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a network protocol that operates at the transport layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite. It…