Category: Microsoft

All things Microsoft Courses


 tonyhughes  December 13, 2023

LEDBAT (Low Extra Delay Background Transport) is a network congestion control protocol designed to provide low-priority traffic with the ability…

Compare AVD and Windows 365

 tonyhughes  December 13, 2023

Let’s compare Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and Windows 365 in detail based on various aspects: 1. Deployment and Infrastructure: 2….

Windows 365

 tonyhughes  December 13, 2023

Windows 365 was a relatively new service from Microsoft that aimed to provide a simplified and scalable way to deliver…

Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)

 tonyhughes  December 13, 2023

Concept: Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), formerly known as Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), is a cloud-based virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution…

Federated Service Token for Authentication

 tonyhughes  October 10, 2023

A federated service token for authentication typically includes various components and claims to provide secure authentication and authorization. The specific…

Microsoft Web Application Proxy (WAP)

 tonyhughes  October 10, 2023

Microsoft Web Application Proxy (WAP) is a Windows Server role that provides a reverse proxy solution for publishing web applications…

Routing and RAS

 tonyhughes  October 10, 2023

Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS) in Microsoft Windows Server is a set of features that enables secure remote access…

Microsoft Store for Business

 tonyhughes  October 10, 2023

Microsoft Store for Business is a platform that enables organizations to acquire, distribute, and manage apps, software, and digital content…

Microsoft Store

 tonyhughes  October 10, 2023

The Microsoft Store is a digital distribution platform developed by Microsoft. It serves as the official source for purchasing and…