DNS Round Robin

DNS Round Robin is a technique used for load balancing and fault tolerance in DNS. It works by providing multiple IP addresses for a single domain name, and when a client requests that domain name, the DNS server responds with one of the IP addresses in a round-robin fashion, meaning that each IP address is returned in turn.

For example, let’s say we have a website with three web servers, each with a unique IP address. We can configure our DNS server to respond with all three IP addresses when a client requests the website’s domain name. The DNS server will then rotate the order of the IP addresses with each request, so each web server gets an equal share of the traffic.

Usage: DNS Round Robin is commonly used to distribute web traffic across multiple servers to improve performance and availability. It can also be used to provide fault tolerance by having multiple servers available to handle requests in case one of them fails.

One of the main benefits of DNS Round Robin is its simplicity. It doesn’t require any additional hardware or software, and it can be set up easily using any DNS server. However, it does have some limitations. For example, it doesn’t take into account the health or availability of the servers it is load balancing, so if one server goes down, clients may still be directed to that server until the DNS cache is refreshed.

Example: Let’s say we have a domain name “example.com” and three web servers with IP addresses,, and We can configure our DNS server to respond with all three IP addresses for “example.com”. When a client requests “example.com”, the DNS server will respond with the first IP address in the list ( The next time a client requests “example.com”, the DNS server will respond with the next IP address in the list (, and so on. This way, each web server will get an equal share of the traffic.

DNS Round Robin is a technique used for load balancing and fault tolerance in DNS by providing multiple IP addresses for a single domain name, and rotating the order in which they are returned. It is a simple and easy-to-implement solution for distributing web traffic across multiple servers.

Author: tonyhughes