How do I configure Powershell DSC?

To configure PowerShell DSC, you need to create a DSC configuration script and apply it to the target node(s). Here are the high-level steps to configure PowerShell DSC:

  1. Create a DSC configuration script:

Use the PowerShell ISE or any other text editor to create a DSC configuration script that defines the desired state of the target node(s). Here is an example of a basic DSC configuration script:

Configuration MyDSCConfiguration {
    Node "TargetNode" {
        # Define the resources that you want to configure
        # For example, you can use the following to install IIS:
        WindowsFeature IIS {
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name = "Web-Server"
  1. Compile the DSC configuration script:

After you have created the DSC configuration script, compile it using the Start-DscConfiguration cmdlet. Here’s an example:

Start-DscConfiguration -Path .\MyDSCConfiguration -Wait -Verbose

This command starts the configuration process, applies the configuration to the target node(s), and waits for the process to complete.

  1. Verify the DSC configuration:

Once the DSC configuration has been applied, use the Get-DscConfiguration cmdlet to verify that the desired configuration has been applied to the target node(s). Here’s an example:


This command retrieves the current configuration of the target node(s) and displays it in the PowerShell console.

  1. Monitor and maintain the DSC configuration:

Finally, monitor the DSC configuration and make any necessary changes or updates using the PowerShell ISE or text editor. You can also use the Update-DscConfiguration cmdlet to update the configuration on the target node(s) when changes are made. Here’s an example:

Update-DscConfiguration -Wait -Verbose

This command updates the configuration on the target node(s) with any changes that have been made to the DSC configuration script.

Author: tonyhughes