Category: Powershell

.ps1 Powershell File Extension

 tonyhughes  May 12, 2023

The file extension .ps1 is associated with PowerShell scripts. PowerShell is a scripting language and automation framework developed by Microsoft….

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)

 tonyhughes  April 21, 2023

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a management platform that allows administrators to configure and manage their IT infrastructure in…

Powershell Direct

 tonyhughes  April 20, 2023

PowerShell Direct is a feature in Windows Server 2016 and newer versions that allows you to run PowerShell commands and…

Hyper-V Powershell CMDLET Examples

 tonyhughes  April 20, 2023

Hyper-V PowerShell cmdlets provide a way to manage and automate Hyper-V virtual machines and their associated resources. Here are some…

PowerShell Modules

 tonyhughes  April 19, 2023

PowerShell modules are packages of reusable code that provide a set of related cmdlets, functions, variables, and other resources. Modules…

Powershell CMDLETS

 tonyhughes  April 19, 2023

PowerShell cmdlets are specialized commands in the PowerShell environment that enable administrators to interact with various technologies and systems, including…

Active Directory Powershell Module

 tonyhughes  April 19, 2023

The Active Directory PowerShell module is a command-line interface that allows administrators to manage Active Directory objects using PowerShell commands….

What is Azure DSC?

 tonyhughes  March 5, 2023

Azure DSC (Desired State Configuration) is a cloud-based service that enables you to define and manage the configuration of your…

How do I configure Powershell DSC?

 tonyhughes  March 5, 2023

To configure PowerShell DSC, you need to create a DSC configuration script and apply it to the target node(s). Here…

What is Powershell DSC?

 tonyhughes  March 5, 2023

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a configuration management tool that is built into Windows PowerShell. It enables the creation…