How do I create an Azure Resource Group in the Azure Portal or Powershell?

Creating an Azure Resource Group in the Azure Portal

Here are the steps to create an Azure Resource Group in the Azure Portal:

  1. Login to the Azure Portal ( with your credentials.
  2. Click on the “Resource groups” option in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on the “+ Add” button to create a new resource group.
  4. Fill in the required fields, such as Resource group name, Subscription, and Region.
  5. Click on the “Review + create” button to review your settings.
  6. Click on the “Create” button to create the resource group.

Creating an Azure Resource Group using PowerShell

Here are the steps to create an Azure Resource Group using PowerShell:

  1. Open the PowerShell command prompt.
  2. Login to Azure using the following command: Connect-AzAccount
  3. Select the subscription in which you want to create the resource group: Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName <subscription_name>
  4. Run the following command to create the resource group:
  5. New-AzResourceGroup -Name <resource_group_name> -Location <location>

Here’s an example of creating a resource group named “myResourceGroup” in the “East US” region:

New-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Location "East US"
Author: tonyhughes