What is a Microsoft Azure Resource Group (RG)?

A Microsoft Azure Resource Group is a container that holds related Azure resources such as virtual machines, storage accounts, virtual networks, and others. It provides a way to manage and organize resources based on their application, environment, or other criteria. Here are a few examples of Azure Resource Groups:

  1. Web application: An Azure Resource Group can hold resources related to a web application, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and a virtual network. This can make it easier to manage and monitor the resources associated with the application.
  2. Production environment: A Resource Group can contain all of the resources required for a production environment, including virtual machines, load balancers, and a network security group.
  3. Development environment: Developers can use a Resource Group to hold all the resources required for development and testing, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and databases.
  4. Project: A Resource Group can also be used to hold all the resources required for a specific project, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and application gateways.

In summary, Azure Resource Groups provide a way to organize and manage Azure resources based on their function, application, or environment.

Author: tonyhughes