Powershell Direct

PowerShell Direct is a feature in Windows Server 2016 and newer versions that allows you to run PowerShell commands and scripts directly on a virtual machine without the need for a network connection or remote management software. This feature is especially useful when managing virtual machines that do not have a network connection, or when you want to perform management tasks on a virtual machine without leaving the host.

The PowerShell Direct feature can be accessed using the PowerShell command prompt or through the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). To use PowerShell Direct, you must have administrative access to both the host and the virtual machine you wish to manage.

Function: The PowerShell Direct feature allows you to perform the following tasks on a virtual machine:

  1. Run PowerShell commands and scripts directly on a virtual machine.
  2. Copy files between the host and virtual machine.
  3. Test the connectivity of a virtual machine.
  4. Retrieve basic information about a virtual machine, such as the name, operating system, and IP address.

Configuration: To use PowerShell Direct, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. The virtual machine must be running Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 or newer.
  2. The host and virtual machine must be running the same version of PowerShell.
  3. The user account you use to connect to the virtual machine must have administrative privileges on both the host and virtual machine.
  4. The virtual machine must be running and configured with a virtual hard disk.

Usage Examples: Here are some examples of how to use PowerShell Direct:

  1. To run a PowerShell command on a virtual machine, use the following command:Invoke-Command -VMName VM1 -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScriptBlock {Get-Process}This command will prompt you for the administrator credentials of the virtual machine and then run the “Get-Process” command on the virtual machine.
  2. To copy a file from the host to a virtual machine, use the following command:Copy-Item -Path "C:\Temp\File.txt" -Destination "C:\Temp" -ToSession (New-PSSession -VMName VM1)This command will copy the file “File.txt” from the host to the virtual machine named “VM1” in the “C:\Temp” directory.
  3. To retrieve basic information about a virtual machine, use the following command:Get-VM -Name VM1 | Select-Object Name, OperatingSystem, NetworkAdaptersThis command will retrieve the name, operating system, and network adapter information for the virtual machine named “VM1”.

PowerShell Direct is a powerful feature that allows you to manage virtual machines without the need for a network connection or remote management software. It provides a fast and efficient way to perform management tasks on virtual machines directly from the host.

Author: tonyhughes