Step by Step Guide: Identify call quality issues with call analytics in Teams

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to identify call quality issues with Call Analytics in Microsoft Teams:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams and click on the “Admin” button in the left-hand navigation pane.
  2. Click on “Analytics & Reports” and then select “Call Analytics”.
  3. On the Call Analytics page, select the time period for which you want to view call data. You can select a specific date range or choose from one of the pre-set time periods.
  4. Use the filters to narrow down the search to a specific user, location, or device. You can also select specific call types, such as audio or video calls.
  5. Once you have selected the filters, click on the “Apply” button to view the results.
  6. The Call Analytics page will display a list of all the calls that match your search criteria, along with call quality metrics and other details about the call.
  7. Review the call quality metrics to identify any issues. Metrics such as Jitter, Packet Loss, and Network Latency can indicate potential call quality issues.
  8. Click on a specific call to view more detailed information about the call quality. This information includes metrics such as MOS Score, Round Trip Time, and Audio Quality.
  9. Use the information in the Call Analytics page to troubleshoot any call quality issues. For example, if there are network latency issues, you may need to adjust network settings or upgrade hardware.
  10. Once you have identified and addressed any call quality issues, continue to monitor Call Analytics to ensure that call quality remains high.

By following these steps, you can use Call Analytics in Microsoft Teams to identify and troubleshoot call quality issues, ensuring that your users have a positive calling experience.

Author: tonyhughes