What is AKS Netorking?

AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) is a fully managed service for deploying, scaling, and managing containers and containerized applications using Kubernetes on Azure. Networking in AKS is an essential aspect of its functionality, as it enables communication between the various components of a Kubernetes cluster and the external world.

Here are some examples of AKS networking:

  1. Cluster Networking: AKS networking provides cluster-level networking that enables communication between different nodes in the cluster. The cluster network is implemented using the Kubernetes networking model, which creates a virtual network that connects all the nodes in the cluster.
  2. Pod Networking: AKS networking also provides pod-level networking that enables communication between different pods in the same cluster. Pod networking is implemented using the Kubernetes CNI (Container Network Interface) plugin, which assigns each pod a unique IP address that allows communication with other pods.
  3. Ingress Networking: AKS networking also provides ingress networking that allows external clients to access services running inside the cluster. Ingress is implemented using a Kubernetes Ingress Controller, which routes external traffic to the appropriate service based on the defined rules.
  4. Service Networking: AKS networking provides service networking that enables communication between different services running inside the cluster. Services are assigned a stable IP address that enables other services to communicate with them using the assigned IP.
  5. Load Balancer Networking: AKS networking also provides load balancer networking that enables the distribution of traffic to different nodes in the cluster. Load balancing is implemented using Azure Load Balancer, which routes traffic to the appropriate node based on the defined rules.

AKS networking provides a robust and flexible networking infrastructure that enables communication between the various components of a Kubernetes cluster and the external world, making it a powerful tool for deploying and managing containerized applications on Azure.

Author: tonyhughes