What is AKS Storage?

AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) provides various options for storage, which enable the storage and management of data in a Kubernetes cluster. Here are some examples of AKS storage:

  1. Persistent Volumes (PVs): AKS supports Persistent Volumes, which are used to store data that needs to persist even after the pod that created it is deleted or rescheduled. PVs are created and managed outside the pod and are mounted to the pod using a Kubernetes volume. PVs can be backed by various types of storage, such as Azure Disk or Azure File.
  2. Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs): PVCs are requests for storage made by a pod, and they allow the pod to access the storage that meets its requirements. A PVC can request a specific size and access mode for the storage, and it can be dynamically provisioned or bound to an existing PV.
  3. Azure Disks: AKS supports Azure Disks, which are persistent, high-performance block-level storage devices that can be attached to a VM in a Kubernetes cluster. Azure Disks can be used as PVs and can be used to store data for stateful applications.
  4. Azure Files: AKS also supports Azure Files, which are fully managed file shares in the cloud that can be accessed from anywhere using the standard SMB protocol. Azure Files can be used as PVs and can be used to store shared data for stateful applications.
  5. Container Storage Interface (CSI): AKS supports the Container Storage Interface (CSI), which is a standard interface for container orchestration platforms to interact with storage providers. CSI allows AKS to integrate with third-party storage providers, enabling more flexible storage options for Kubernetes clusters.

AKS storage provides a robust and flexible storage infrastructure that enables storage and management of data in a Kubernetes cluster, making it a powerful tool for deploying and managing containerized applications on Azure.

Author: tonyhughes