What is FIDO2 ?

FIDO2 (Fast Identity Online 2) is an open authentication standard that enables passwordless authentication for online accounts. It is a set of technical specifications developed by the FIDO Alliance, a consortium of technology companies, to provide strong, phishing-resistant authentication for online users.

FIDO2 uses public key cryptography to authenticate users without requiring them to enter a password. Instead, users use a security key or a biometric factor, such as a fingerprint or facial recognition, to authenticate themselves.

FIDO2 supports two authentication protocols: WebAuthn and CTAP (Client-to-Authenticator Protocol). WebAuthn is used for web applications and allows users to authenticate using their browser, while CTAP is used for native applications and requires a separate client application to be installed on the user’s device.

Microsoft supports FIDO2 authentication in its products and services, including Windows 10, Microsoft 365, and Azure Active Directory. By using FIDO2, users can enjoy a more secure and convenient authentication experience without the need to remember complex passwords.

Author: tonyhughes