What is Microsoft Perimeter Security?

Microsoft Perimeter Security is a set of security solutions and technologies designed to protect an organization’s network perimeter and help prevent unauthorized access to its resources. Perimeter security typically involves protecting the network boundary between an organization’s internal resources and external networks, such as the internet.

Microsoft Perimeter Security solutions include:

  1. Azure Firewall: a cloud-based firewall service that provides network security to protect Azure resources.
  2. Azure DDoS Protection: a cloud-based service that provides protection against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
  3. Azure Virtual Network: a service that allows you to create isolated virtual networks in Azure and control traffic flow between them.
  4. Azure Bastion: a fully managed platform service that allows you to securely connect to your virtual machines using a browser and SSL.
  5. Azure VPN Gateway: a cloud-based service that allows you to securely connect your on-premises network to Azure using a VPN connection.
  6. Azure Application Gateway: a web traffic load balancer that provides application-level routing and security features.

These solutions can help organizations protect their network perimeter and secure their resources against external threats. By implementing Microsoft Perimeter Security solutions, organizations can ensure that their network is protected against unauthorized access, malware, and other security threats.

Author: tonyhughes