What is OpenID?

OpenID is an open standard protocol that provides authentication and authorization capabilities for web applications. It allows users to authenticate with a website or application using their existing credentials from an identity provider (such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft) instead of creating a new account and password for each website or application.

The OpenID protocol involves three parties: the user, the relying party (the website or application), and the identity provider. When the user tries to access a protected resource on the relying party’s website, they are redirected to the identity provider’s login page. The user then enters their credentials on the identity provider’s website and is redirected back to the relying party’s website with an assertion that the user has been authenticated.

OpenID provides several benefits for web applications and users, including:

  1. Simplified authentication: Users do not need to create and remember separate usernames and passwords for each website or application, which reduces the burden of managing multiple accounts and passwords.
  2. Security: OpenID uses a proven and secure authentication mechanism, which reduces the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.
  3. Trust: OpenID relies on trusted identity providers, which can increase the trust between users and relying parties.

OpenID has been widely adopted by many major websites and service providers, and is often used in conjunction with OAuth to provide authentication and authorization for web and mobile applications.

Author: tonyhughes