What is the Microsoft Authentication Decision Tree ?

The Microsoft Authentication Decision Tree is a tool that helps organizations choose the appropriate authentication method for their applications and services based on their specific security requirements. The decision tree takes into account factors such as the sensitivity of the data being accessed, the level of risk associated with the application or service, and the user experience.

The decision tree guides organizations through a series of questions to help them determine the appropriate authentication method, including:

  1. Is the application or service cloud-based or on-premises?
  2. What level of assurance is required for user authentication?
  3. Does the application or service require multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
  4. Does the application or service require access from outside the organization’s network?
  5. Does the application or service require access from mobile devices or other unmanaged endpoints?
  6. Does the application or service require integration with third-party identity providers?

Based on the answers to these questions, the decision tree recommends one or more authentication methods, such as:

  1. Password-based authentication: This is the most common authentication method, where users enter a username and password to access an application or service.
  2. MFA: This method requires users to provide two or more forms of authentication, such as a password and a one-time code sent to their phone, to access an application or service.
  3. Certificate-based authentication: This method uses digital certificates to authenticate users and devices.
  4. Federated authentication: This method allows users to sign in using their existing credentials from another trusted identity provider.

Microsoft’s Authentication Decision Tree provides a useful framework for organizations to choose the appropriate authentication method based on their specific security and user experience requirements.

Author: tonyhughes