Azure Business to Business (B2B)

Azure Business-to-Business (B2B) is a set of tools and services that enable organizations to securely share digital resources with other organizations, including customers, partners, and vendors. With Azure B2B, organizations can establish secure and controlled access to their applications, data, and services for users outside their own organization.

Here are some key features and examples of Azure B2B:

  1. Secure sharing: Azure B2B provides a secure way to share resources with external users. Organizations can use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to manage identities, enforce access policies, and control access to resources based on user roles and permissions.

Example: A company that sells products online can use Azure B2B to share its e-commerce platform with its vendors. The vendors can securely access the platform to manage their inventory, pricing, and order fulfillment, without having to create separate user accounts or access the company’s internal network.

  1. Seamless collaboration: Azure B2B enables seamless collaboration between organizations, allowing users to work together on shared projects and resources. Users can collaborate using their own identity and credentials, without having to create separate accounts or log in to different systems.

Example: A software development company can use Azure B2B to collaborate with its customers on new product features. The customers can securely access the development environment to provide feedback, suggest changes, and test new features, without having to set up their own development environment or learn new tools.

  1. Self-service access: Azure B2B provides self-service access for external users, allowing them to request access to resources and applications on their own. Organizations can review and approve access requests, and assign appropriate roles and permissions based on the user’s needs.

Example: A healthcare provider can use Azure B2B to provide secure access to patient records for external healthcare providers, such as specialists or referring physicians. The external providers can request access to the patient records, and the healthcare provider can review and approve the requests based on the provider’s credentials and need to access the records.

  1. Customizable user experience: Azure B2B provides a customizable user experience, allowing organizations to brand and personalize the access portal for their external users. Organizations can create custom branding, logos, and themes, and provide a seamless user experience for their external users.

Example: A financial institution can use Azure B2B to provide secure access to financial data for its clients. The institution can create a custom branding and login page, and provide a seamless experience for clients to access their financial data and reports.

Azure B2B provides a secure and efficient way for organizations to collaborate with external partners, vendors, and customers. It enables controlled access to resources, seamless collaboration, self-service access, and a customizable user experience.

Author: tonyhughes