What are Azure AD Features?

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management service provided by Microsoft. Here are some of the key features of Azure AD:

  1. Single Sign-On (SSO): Allows users to access multiple applications with a single set of login credentials.
  2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Provides an additional layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of authentication, such as a password and a code sent to their mobile device, to access applications.
  3. Conditional Access: Allows administrators to control access to applications based on specific conditions, such as the user’s location or the device they are using.
  4. Identity Governance: Enables administrators to manage and govern access to applications and resources through features such as access reviews and entitlement management.
  5. Seamless Application Integration: Allows applications to easily integrate with Azure AD using standard protocols such as OpenID Connect and OAuth.
  6. Customizable Branding: Allows administrators to customize the branding of the Azure AD login page to match their organization’s branding.
  7. Identity Protection: Helps to protect against identity-based attacks by providing insights and remediation options for suspicious activities.

These are just a few of the many features available in Azure AD that help organizations manage identities and secure access to applications and resources.

Author: tonyhughes