What is Kusto Query Language?

Kusto Query Language (KQL) is a query language used to interact with Azure Data Explorer, a fast and scalable data exploration and analytics platform in the Microsoft Azure cloud. KQL is used to query and analyze large volumes of data, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, in real-time.

KQL is a declarative language that supports a wide range of data analysis operations, including filtering, aggregating, sorting, grouping, joining, and transforming data. It provides a rich set of operators and functions to perform complex data analysis tasks, such as time-series analysis, outlier detection, and pattern recognition.

KQL is designed to be easy to learn and use, with a syntax that is similar to SQL and other popular query languages. It also provides a range of advanced features, such as dynamic schema mapping, column aliasing, and user-defined functions, to help users optimize their queries and get the most out of their data.

KQL is widely used in various Azure services, such as Azure Monitor, Azure Security Center, and Azure Sentinel, to provide advanced data analytics and insights. It is also used in other Microsoft products, such as Power BI and Visual Studio, to provide data analysis capabilities.

Here are some examples of KQL queries:

  1. Simple query to retrieve all data from a table:

| take 10

This query retrieves the first 10 rows of data from a table named “TableName”.

  1. Query to filter data based on a specific condition:

| where ColumnName == "Value"

This query retrieves all rows of data from a table named “TableName” where the value in a column named “ColumnName” equals “Value”.

  1. Query to group data and calculate summary statistics:

| summarize Count = count(), AvgValue = avg(Value) by Category

This query groups the data in a table named “TableName” by a column named “Category”, and calculates the count of rows and average value of a column named “Value” for each group.

  1. Query to join data from multiple tables:

| join kind=inner Table2 on ColumnName
| project ColumnName1, ColumnName2, ColumnName3

This query joins data from two tables named “Table1” and “Table2” on a column named “ColumnName”, and selects specific columns to be displayed in the output.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of queries that can be written using KQL to analyze and manipulate data in Azure Data Explorer.

Author: tonyhughes