What is Azure Traffic Manager?

Azure Traffic Manager is a cloud-based traffic management service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables customers to distribute traffic across multiple endpoints, such as web applications and services, to improve their availability, performance, and scalability. Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS-based service that uses DNS to direct client requests to the most appropriate endpoint based on routing policies configured by the user.

With Azure Traffic Manager, customers can define routing policies that can be based on geographic location, endpoint health, priority, or weighted distribution. These policies enable customers to distribute traffic across endpoints in a way that maximizes their availability, performance, and scalability.

Some of the key features of Azure Traffic Manager include:

  1. Global load balancing: Azure Traffic Manager enables customers to distribute traffic across endpoints that are hosted in different regions, data centers, or even cloud providers.
  2. Automatic failover: The service includes automatic failover capabilities that can detect endpoint failures and redirect traffic to healthy endpoints.
  3. Geographic routing: Azure Traffic Manager can direct client requests to the closest available endpoint based on geographic location.
  4. Traffic distribution policies: The service provides a variety of traffic distribution policies, including priority, weight, and performance-based routing, that enable customers to distribute traffic across endpoints based on their specific needs.
  5. Health checks: Azure Traffic Manager includes built-in health checks that can monitor the health of endpoints and detect failures.
  6. Integration with other Azure services: Azure Traffic Manager integrates seamlessly with other Azure services, such as Azure App Service, Azure VMs, and Azure CDN, to provide a comprehensive solution for managing web traffic.

Azure Traffic Manager provides customers with a flexible and scalable way to manage their web traffic by distributing traffic across multiple endpoints based on a variety of routing policies. By using Azure Traffic Manager, customers can improve the availability, performance, and scalability of their web applications and services.

Author: tonyhughes