
Here’s a detailed description of AzCopy and some examples of how to use it:

Azure AzCopy is a command-line tool designed for copying data to and from Azure Storage. It provides high-performance, reliable, and secure data transfer capabilities. AzCopy supports copying data from a local file system to Azure Storage, copying data between two Azure Storage accounts, and copying data from Azure Blob Storage to Azure File Storage.

Some of the key features of AzCopy include:

  • Fast and reliable transfer speeds: AzCopy uses multithreaded and parallel transfer techniques to ensure fast and reliable data transfers.
  • Secure transfers: AzCopy supports HTTPS and OAuth authentication to ensure secure transfers.
  • Support for multiple data sources and destinations: AzCopy can copy data from and to different sources and destinations, including local file systems, Azure Blob Storage, Azure File Storage, and Amazon S3.
  • Support for large files and objects: AzCopy can handle files and objects of up to 5 TB in size.

Here are some examples of how to use AzCopy:

Example 1: To copy a file from your local file system to Azure Blob Storage, use the following command:

azcopy copy "C:\myfolder\myfile.txt" "" --recursive=true

This command will copy the “myfile.txt” file from the “myfolder” directory on your local machine to the “mycontainer” container in the “mystorageaccount” storage account in Azure Blob Storage.

Example 2: To copy a file from one Azure Blob Storage account to another, use the following command:

azcopy copy "" "" --recursive=true

This command will copy the “myfile.txt” file from the “sourcecontainer” container in the “sourcestorageaccount” storage account to the “destinationcontainer” container in the “destinationstorageaccount” storage account.

Example 3: To copy a file from Azure Blob Storage to Azure File Storage, use the following command:

azcopy copy "" "" --recursive=true

This command will copy the “myfile.txt” file from the “mycontainer” container in the “mystorageaccount” storage account in Azure Blob Storage to the “myshare” share in the same storage account in Azure File Storage.

Azure AzCopy is a powerful command-line tool that provides a flexible and efficient way to copy data to and from Azure Storage. It supports a variety of data sources and destinations and provides secure, fast, and reliable data transfer capabilities.

Author: tonyhughes