Azure Storage Explorer

Azure Storage Explorer is a free, standalone app that allows you to easily manage and interact with Azure Storage data from your desktop. It provides a graphical user interface that simplifies the process of browsing, creating, and managing Azure Storage accounts and their contents, including blobs, files, queues, and tables.

Some of the key features of Azure Storage Explorer include:

  • Support for multiple Azure Storage accounts and subscriptions: Azure Storage Explorer allows you to easily manage multiple storage accounts and subscriptions from a single interface.
  • Easy navigation and management of storage resources: Azure Storage Explorer provides an intuitive interface that allows you to easily navigate and manage storage resources, including creating, editing, and deleting blobs, files, queues, and tables.
  • Uploading and downloading files and blobs: Azure Storage Explorer provides an easy way to upload and download files and blobs to and from Azure Storage.
  • Search functionality: Azure Storage Explorer allows you to search for specific storage resources using keywords or filters.

Here are some examples of how to use Azure Storage Explorer:

Example 1: To upload a file to Azure Blob Storage using Azure Storage Explorer, open the app and navigate to the storage account you want to upload the file to. Select the container you want to upload the file to, and click the “Upload” button. Browse to the file you want to upload, and click “Open”. The file will be uploaded to the selected container in Azure Blob Storage.

Example 2: To create a new container in Azure Blob Storage using Azure Storage Explorer, open the app and navigate to the storage account where you want to create the container. Right-click on the storage account and select “New Container”. Enter a name for the new container, and click “Create”. The new container will be created in the selected storage account.

Example 3: To download a file from Azure Blob Storage using Azure Storage Explorer, open the app and navigate to the storage account where the file is located. Select the container that contains the file, and then select the file you want to download. Right-click on the file and select “Download”. Choose the location on your local machine where you want to save the file, and click “Save”. The file will be downloaded to the selected location on your local machine.

In summary, Azure Storage Explorer is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of managing and interacting with Azure Storage data. It provides an easy-to-use interface that allows you to browse, create, and manage Azure Storage accounts and their contents, including blobs, files, queues, and tables.

Author: tonyhughes