Category: Fundamentals

Benefits of Cloud Based Manageability

 tonyhughes  April 4, 2023

Cloud-based manageability offers numerous benefits for businesses, including: Here are a few examples of how cloud-based manageability can benefit businesses:…

Benefits of cloud based Scalability

 tonyhughes  April 4, 2023

Cloud-based scalability offers several benefits over traditional on-premise systems, including: Cloud-based scalability provides several benefits to businesses, including: Cloud-based scalability…

What is a Cloud Consumption-based model?

 tonyhughes  April 4, 2023

A cloud consumption-based model, also known as a pay-as-you-go model, is a pricing strategy used by cloud service providers. In…

Microsoft Public Cloud

 tonyhughes  April 4, 2023

Microsoft Public Cloud is a cloud computing model where the resources of the cloud are shared among multiple organizations and…

Microsoft Private Cloud

 tonyhughes  April 4, 2023

Microsoft Private Cloud is a cloud computing model that provides a dedicated and secure cloud environment for an organization within…

How do I download, install and configure Azure AD Connect?

 tonyhughes  March 5, 2023

Downloading, installing, and configuring Azure AD Connect involves a few steps. Here’s a high-level overview of the process: Step 1:…

What is Azure Virtual Network Security?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure Virtual Network Security refers to the security measures and configurations used to protect an Azure Virtual Network, which is…

What is Microsoft Perimeter Security?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Microsoft Perimeter Security is a set of security solutions and technologies designed to protect an organization’s network perimeter and help…

What are Azure Resource Locks?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure resource Locks are a feature in Azure that allow you to apply a lock on a resource to prevent…

What is Azure Password Writeback ?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure Password Writeback is a feature of Azure AD that allows users to change or reset their passwords in the…