Category: Security

What is Azure Frontdoor?

 tonyhughes  March 5, 2023

Azure Front Door is a cloud-based global service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables customers to improve the performance, reliability,…

What is Azure DDoS Protection?

 tonyhughes  March 5, 2023

Azure DDoS Protection is a service provided by Microsoft Azure that offers comprehensive protection against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)…

How do I download, install and configure Azure AD Connect?

 tonyhughes  March 5, 2023

Downloading, installing, and configuring Azure AD Connect involves a few steps. Here’s a high-level overview of the process: Step 1:…

What is Azure Virtual Network Security?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure Virtual Network Security refers to the security measures and configurations used to protect an Azure Virtual Network, which is…

What is Azure group Writeback ?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure Group Writeback is a feature of Azure AD that allows administrators to create and manage security groups in an…

What is Azure User Writeback ?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure User Writeback is a feature of Azure AD that allows administrators to create and manage user accounts in an…

What is the Microsoft Authentication Decision Tree ?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

The Microsoft Authentication Decision Tree is a tool that helps organizations choose the appropriate authentication method for their applications and…

What is Azure AD Connect Pass-through Authentication (PTA)?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure AD Connect Pass-through Authentication (PTA) is a feature of Azure AD Connect that allows users to sign in to…

What are Active Directory Kerberos Tickets?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

What are Active Directory Kerberos Tickets? examples Kerberos tickets are used in Microsoft Active Directory to authenticate user and service…