Category: Azure

What the fundamentals of Microsoft Azure RDS?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Microsoft Azure RDS (Relational Database Service) is a cloud-based service that allows you to deploy and manage relational databases in…

What is LDAP ?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an open standard protocol used for accessing and managing directory services. Directory services are…

What is OpenID?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

OpenID is an open standard protocol that provides authentication and authorization capabilities for web applications. It allows users to authenticate…

What is OAuth ?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard protocol that provides secure access to protected resources by allowing clients (such as…

What is Azure AD Federated Services ?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Azure AD Federated Services is a feature of Microsoft Azure Active Directory that allows users to authenticate with cloud-based resources…

What is Microsoft Azure AD B2C?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Microsoft Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C) is a cloud-based identity and access management service for customer-facing applications. It…

What is Microsoft Azure Active Directory Domain Services?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS) is a fully managed domain service that provides domain join, Group…

What is a Microsoft Management Group?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

In Microsoft Azure, a Management Group is a logical container that allows you to manage access, policies, and compliance across…

What is a Microsoft Azure subscription?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

A Microsoft Azure subscription is a service plan that allows individuals or organizations to access and use Azure cloud computing…

What is a Microsoft Azure Tenant?

 tonyhughes  March 4, 2023

In Microsoft Azure, a tenant is a dedicated and isolated instance of the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) service that…